Monday, September 19, 2011

Comparitive of Domo Animation and Flip Book

SCORE (1-5)
Domo Animation

I rated the two Video animation cites from a scale of 1-5; one being the lowest and five being the highest.  The two Video animations cite that I compared are Domo animation and Flipbook. I compared the two video cites by the following: Simplicity, Animation quality, Music quality, Entertaining, and if students are able to learn.
When grading on simplicity I was looking at how easy the program allowed the user to create an easy and simple video. I rated Flipbook a five out of five, because the program requires you to just draw and write your video. Basically Flip Book is just an online flipbook the user can make online. Now in comparison I rated Domo Animation on simplicity a 4, because even thought the tools make the program user friendly; Flipbook is more where you can have done and ready in a day if needed to. Although I rated Flipbook high in simplicity I feel it is too simple and too childish for the audience; where as Domo Animation is not as simple and childish as Flipbook is. However the reason as to why I rated Flipbook higher than Domo Animation is because Flipbook forces the user to get to the point and not be as complicated as Domo Animation requires you too.
The next Grading scale was Animation quality. I rated Domo Animation a five where as Flipbook I rated a two. My reason being is that Domo Animation is not just simple drawings but more high quality graphics that are more eyes catching to the audience. While Flipbook is really based on how well a person can draw when using the computer, so it is really based on how well I can draw which is not really well. Domo Animation was more appealing because it was something that I can actually do with out any complex drawings where as Flipbook requires the user to draw. Also Flipbook was way to fast for the audience to even get a chance to see what was going on in the video. In comparison, Domo Animation is at a pace for the audience to at least get a chance to read and write what is going on in the video.
Music was my third portion of the grading scale.  Music is extremely important for the audience; so that they would be more entertain when the audience is watching the video. Now I rated Domo Animation a 4 because it did not really have a wide variety of music but it had quality music for this type of program. Where as Flipbook I rated a one for having no music at all. I cannot rate Flipbook a zero because my rating scale is from one to five. Although music for Flipbook would not really work because it the video is moving to fast for the user to actually add any music at all.
Now for the entertainment portion of my rubric I rated Domo Animation to have a four, and Flipbook a three.  While looking through some sample videos of Domo Animation I notice that there was more color and background added than in Flipbook. Also the music and the drawings are not stick figure. Where as in Flipbook the sample videos were just stick figures and there was no music at all or just sound in general in the videos. However I rated Flipbook a three because it was the short and fast pace videos that made the video appealing to look at over and over again. If Flipbook only had sound that the user can use instead of writing boom I would have rated it a four for entertainment than a three.
The final portion of my rating scale falls on how well the audience can learn from the two different video programs. I rated Domo Animation a four and Flipbook a two on this portion of my rubric. Since Domo Animation is at a steady pace for the audience to have enough time to read and comprehend the purpose of the video, the video would have more success to teach the public what the video is attempting to teach. In comparison to Flipbook the program is just too fast for the audience to read but may still be able to comprehend as to what the theme of the video is.
In conclusion Domo Animation had a total of 21 point out of the 30 that I could have possibly given it, and Flip book received a 12 out of 30 points. By just looking at the total score I am positive that I will use Domo Animation for my project over Flipbook. As in any lesson video the most concerning parts to me is the entertainment, music, graphics, and how well the audience can learn from the video, because I feel they are essential for the audience in order to learn from the video. Furthermore I feel that Domo Animation will allow me to teach the audience as to what is the design cycle is in a more effective way.

SCORE (1-5)

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